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Page history last edited by Mike King 15 years, 8 months ago


What Is Lessonwriter?


Lessonwriter creates lesson plans and instructional materials for teaching English language skills from any reading passage. Use any content from any source and just copy, paste, and submit it on LessonWriter.com and in a matter of moments create a comprehensive lesson plan and student materials. LessonWriter will record what was taught in each class make recommendations about what to teach next.


Differentiated Instruction with LessonWriter

Increasingly, teachers are leading classes with students with diverse backgrounds, skills, learning styles, and challenges. Every lesson plan that LessonWriter generates offers suggestions for differentiating instruction and implementing the lesson. In addition, LessonWriter enables teachers to easily differentiate resources for students. Teachers can choose different content to meet the interests and needs of individual groups of students while teaching the same English Language Skills to the entire class, or keeps the content consistent while choosing to emphasize different skills and vocabulary.



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