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  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!


21st Century Skills

Page history last edited by Mike King 15 years, 7 months ago

From the Industrial Age to the Information Age 

As the 21st century dawns, Americans are once again experiencing a profound and rapid shift–from an Industrial Age to an Information Age. American schools are experiencing what historians of the future will call the Third Industrial Revolution, a transition to a knowledge-based universal substrate of knowledge based linking of the internet to co-collaboration websites of the new Alexandrian libraries of the future. To secure the workplace of the future, young people will need the skills and knowledge base associated with Web 2.0 shared canvases, where every splash of paint provides a richer tapestry of knowledge. To succeed in education reform schools must be broadly driven by forward-thinking educational technology minded visionaries. These visionaries must articulate clear and compelling learner outcomes that articulate the optimal characteristics that encourage technology-supported education reform that focuses on preparing students to live, learn, and work in the 21st century.  



See Video Teaching and Technology


Introducing the Conceptual Age

From the Industrial Age to the Information Age and now the Conceptual Age; is education moving at the current rate of transition from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. How will education keep up with the future generation of learners? 



A new Generation of Learners

A new generation of students expects a learning environment that integrates today’s digital tools, accommodates a mobile lifestyle, adapts to individual learning styles and encourages collaboration and teamwork. To this end the Halliburton Project is designed to explore the latest technology tools and solutions available to help schools build 21st Century learning environments that motivate and engage today’s students. “Creating Digital Worlds with Digital Tools.” It’s part of an effort to use the latest in 21st Century technologies woven into integrated learning projects. 




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